Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Well, I am still trying to figure this out. We had a great weekend! Randy took Saturday off, so it was fun hanging out with him. It was also Tyson's 13th birthday! So after the boys' practice on Friday, we went to the Brighton High School game. They played Taylorsville and beat them 41-0. FINALLY Brighton won! It was great. Randy brought home one of his boss's big nice trucks (big like a mack semi) for Ty's birthday. Tyson loves that truck, so we took that to the high school game! The boys' each brought some friends, so it was fun.
Saturday Jackson's team lost 35-0, it wasn't fun. Then Tyson's team lost 27-0. They both played Alta, their big rival, so we weren't happy. Its ok though, we play Woods Cross next week, so we need to make a come back.
After the boys' games, we rushed off to the Utah Utes game! They were playing Weber State. The Utes won 37-21! So that was really fun. Before the game we got to Tail Gate at the Call radio tent. Our good friend Chris Willmore works with Call radio, and she let us in. We had free drinks and dinner. Wingers catered it, so it was really good. Then we just walked over to the game.
On Sunday for Tyson's birthday we went to Bonsai. That is always good. Max and Jane went too. This time Jane liked the fire but Max didn't. Max sort of warmed up to it by the end. Then we came back to our house for ice cream and cake. I think he had a pretty good birthday. It was really fun having Randy be with us all weekend!
Hopefully I will figure out how to post pictures soon!

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Those Alta Pukes ruined our whole weeked didn't they? Maybe Mitchel will beat them in 2 weeks- (NOT). Oh well, maybe in the playoffs!!